Proud to be Gay – Troy’s Tips

One of our young people, Troy shares how he’s proud to be a young gay man with SEND. He shares his experience of coming out to help others.
Spending time with friends

There are lots of ways to enjoy spending time with your friends with SEND. Troy share about heading to restaurants, cinemas & youth clubs.
Where We Are – Wakefield

Do you have SEND and fancy getting involved in arts projects near you? Troy shares about one he’s recently been involved with in Wakefield.
Becoming a Youth Ambassador

If you have SEND and want to get involved more with Youth Voice, then Troy’s tips on becoming an Ambassador might be just what you need
Mystery Shopping

In your local community, there might be opportunity to be a SEND mystery shopper. Troy has been part of a huge research project doing just that, helping his Wakefield community become better.
Starting a Participation Group

Troy shares about how work experience at Wakefield Council opened up a wider future in Participation.
Passion & empowerment

We caught up with Troy, a passionate young advocate who has been making a real difference in his community. He shares all about his passion to make a difference, from his high school days to becoming an influential voice for children and people in need.