James anxiety questions

Anxiety Questions & Answers

James works for NHS Frimley as a specialist in Learning Disability & Autism. Here he answers your questions about anxiety and SEND

Meet James

Meet James. He works for NHS Frimley as a specialist in Learning Disability & Autism. 

He has lots of experience working within mental health with young people with SEND. 

Anxiety Q & A

James kindly sat down with us at the Hub to share his knowledge & advice about anxiety.

Click on any of the questions below to get James’ thoughts. We hope his answers can help to support you.

Is Anxiety different for people
with SEND?

What coping strategies
can I try?

Talking to other people
can help

How can I best deal
with my anxiety triggers?

How can I best deal
with changes in my life?

I'm starting a new job -
what help can I ask for?

I'm a caregiver - how can I
help & understand anxiety?

What self-care can help
my anxiety & mental health?

Can my special interests
or hobbies help me?

How can I set goals
& plan for the future?

Can mindfulness
help my anxiety?

I'm feeling lonely
& isolated - what can I do?

James' Top 3 tips

We’d like to thank James and NHS Frimley for their help and support in making these short Q&As, and supporting young people with SEND who are struggling with anxiety. You can also watch James’ interview with Charlie for more anxiety insights. James had lots of tips to share, but here are his top 5…

Break things down into smaller steps to make things more manageable.

Reach out to family or friends – don’t struggle alone

Calm your body down with relaxation exercises 

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