gingerbread and hot chocolate

Christmas Traditions

We share some of our favourite Christmas traditions and what we look forward to


“I love going to pantomimes at Christmas time, and this year I’m going to see Hook with my youth club.

I also like decorating the Christmas tree and playing Christmas songs.”

chrismtas tree - traditions


“What gives me the joy and love at Christmas is seeing the family and the friends I hold dearest spending the precious moments time together. Feeling the love and hope. Having Christmas Dinner watching telly and playing music and playing games and the laughs and smiles.

But most of all giving presents to the love ones I hold dear to my heart. And remembering why Christmas is a special time of the year for me.”

christmas gifts - traditions


“My siblings and I get a Christmas Eve box every year, which we love. It’s filled with sweets, hot chocolate, Christmas pyjamas and sometimes a Christmas film, too. We’ll all get into our Christmas pjs and watch a film together on Christmas Eve as a family. It’s a tradition we all really look forward to.”

christmas pjs - tradition


“I love decorating the Christmas tree and getting the house looking all twinkly.

And I also really enjoy snuggling down to watch Christmas movies with a mince pie & a hot chocolate!”

mince pies - christmas traditions

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