Young disabled people with TV presenter Clare Balding

About participation

How you can change the world for the better!

What do Participation Groups do?​

We give young people the chance to be heard and have their say on the matters that affect them & their lives.

We meet regularly as a group, and talk about all kinds of things that really matter to young people. We work creatively to come up with solutions and to make positive changes in our local areas & beyond!

Why is participation important?

Young people are experts in their own lives, they know what works for them and what needs to be better, and they should have the opportunity to voice this themselves.

What does a Participation Group mean to young people?

Our young people say that “participation is having opportunities to be part of decisions that are important to you which may lead to changes”.

We asked young people what their top three things are about their participation group and they said:

We make a difference
We have fun
It’s free!

Hear Me Out has given me the tools to say just what I actually feel


What sort of things do the groups do to make a difference? ​

We travel across the country to deliver workshops to many types of SEND services.  We talk to local authorities, health services, schools and colleges and more, to help improve the way they support and work with those with SEND.

We also work with the Department for Education to include the voice of young people in creating & improving policy.

Three young people and two staff members give a presentation to an audience.

How does a Participation Group help a young person?

  • Learn new things: there are so many great things that you achieve through taking part. We are always learning new things – you can be given opportunities to help plan workshops and deliver presentations, and this is all great experience!
  • Interview skills: members can have the chance to interview job candidates for roles in the charity. This gives you first-hand experience of what a job interview is actually like.
  • Boost confidence & friendships: you can take part in our Participation Collective. This is a larger group made up of different groups from across the country, supporting children & young people with SEND to have their say!

We have an annual event that these groups are invited to. We get to meet lots of other young people from across the country. These experiences help young people to make new friendships, improve their self-esteem and independence.

How can someone get involved?

KIDS runs Young People’s Participation and Engagement groups in three areas: Hull, East Riding of Yorkshire and South Hampshire. If you’re a young person aged 14-25 with SEND you can sign up on those pages.

What else to read

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Annabel shares all about how different work experiences can help you find your perfect job and give you
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