How to cope with Autistic Burnout

Autistic burnout can be tough. Tasks that used to be easy become really hard, and you might feel physically & mentally exhausted. We chat to 4 young people who share their own experiences & tips for you on how to cope.
Film: Is Anxiety linked to SEND?

In this film, we explore if there’s a link between anxiety and SEND for young people. One of our young people, Charlie, talks to an NHS specialist to find the answers to your questions.
Film: Living with Anxiety

When you have SEND and anxiety, you can feel very stressed and alone. In this film, Charlie shares his tips on living with anxiety with SEND, and how you can learn to live life to the fullest.
Film: In the Workplace with SEND

Finding a job when you have SEND can often be an uphill struggle. So in this film we follow Charlie, a young person in the workplace with SEND. He shares his tips and experiences through a typical working day at the lovely Marwell Zoo.
Film: Your Anxiety Questions, Answered

As a young person with SEND, you may have anxiety, and wonder why, how and what you can do about it. In these mini films, James (who is an NHS specialist in Learning Disability & Autism), answers your questions about anxiety, so you can better understand what’s going on.
Proud to be Gay – Troy’s Tips

One of our young people, Troy shares how he’s proud to be a young gay man with SEND. He shares his experience of coming out to help others.
Postal and Proxy Voting

Learn about postal and proxy voting, when you can use each one, and how they can be helpful if you have SEN and/or disabilities
About elections in the UK

Discover more about the 4 mains types of elections in the UK, and how you can get involved in making your vote count.
Who to Vote For?

Discover the issues to think about when choosing a political party or candidate, and what matters most to you.
How to Register to Vote

Find out how and when to register to vote in the UK and European elections.