Postal and Proxy Voting

Learn about postal and proxy voting, when you can use each one, and how they can be helpful if you have SEN and/or disabilities
About elections in the UK

Discover more about the 4 mains types of elections in the UK, and how you can get involved in making your vote count.
Who to Vote For?

Discover the issues to think about when choosing a political party or candidate, and what matters most to you.
How to Register to Vote

Find out how and when to register to vote in the UK and European elections.
Voting Deadlines

Here are some deadline dates you might find useful for the 2024 General Election
The Main Political Parties

Find out how to register to vote, how to pick a candidate, and what happens on voting day, inside our handy guide
Voting – on the Day

Find out what to expect on voting day, including where you go and how to cast your vote, in our handy guide.
Film: Hidden Disabilities

In this film we meet four pupils from Exhall Grange Specialist School in Coventry.
Each of them has a hidden disability and they share their experiences of being treated differently or being treated badly because of how others perceive them.