riding a tandem bike

Triathlon Time With Carly

Find out all about the Superhero Triathlon, as Carly prepares to take part again...

Tell us about the triathlon you took part in last year

How long have you got?! Yeah, it was brilliant. It was the Superhero Triathlon in Windsor. It’s a full triathlon, so it’s really big if you want to do it all. All sorts of people take part, with and without disabilities, all raising money for their different reasons.

Some of us cycled and swam and walked. I just walked & cycled.

We could choose whether we wanted to do the whole triathlon or just half, or some of it. It was really good that way, because I wouldn’t be able to do the whole triathlon otherwise. I refuse to swim in the lake!

How did the cycling part go?

I did it with Aisia, who’s one of the Participation Group leaders. We both rode on a specially adapted bike, like a tandem but it’s adjusted for people with disabilities. We could both pedal that way, but I could also rest when I needed to whilst Aisia did the heavy peddling and steering!

Did you train for it?

Last year we just turned up and hoped for the best! So actually our bodies we aching from it because we didn’t do any training. This time we’ve had a bit more practice.

And I’ll be doing 2.5km of walking this year too, so I’m pushing myself a bit more.

What is this year’s fundraising in aid of?​

It’ll be the same as last year, which is for us all to go out for a lovely Christmas meal together. It’ll be at Frankie and Bennie’s which we all enjoy.

Do people get dressed up?

Yeah it’s a big event. Claire Balding hosted it last year. Some people dressed as Marvel characters, there was a Spiderman and Incredible Hulk. I didn’t get dressed up because I feel it would have been very uncomfortable for me. Maybe I’ll wear a mask this year, who knows!

What's the support like?

People come along and support and cheer along the way. Last year only me and Charlie took part, with Aisia and Heather as our partners, but we’re hoping more do it this year.

I’ll be doing 2.5km of walking this year, so pushing myself a bit more


Do any funny things happen?

Yes, last year Charlie and Heather almost crashed into the lake! Heather couldn’t steer properly at one point, but they didn’t crash, thankfully. I’m staying with Aisia this year, to be safe!

How did you feel emotionally on the day?

For me it was a mixture of a bit nervous and also very excited. I was fine in the end, but I had really bad butterflies before I got on the bike. I didn’t want to fall off, I didn’t want to crash, and I don’t like speed.

But I really enjoyed the day, so won’t be as nervous this year. And we’ve also practiced too.

How have you prepared for this year?

We did an activity at my youth group a month ago where we rode bikes for a little while. The bikes were from the Mountbatten Centre, and specially adapted for disabilities. So we played on those for a bit. I went on one where you just turned the handles and there’s no pedals, because I can’t pedal very well. It’s also a bike with 3 wheels so it’s steady and easy to get on and off. It’s only got 1 gear, but that’s okay if you’re on flat ground which we will be.

I’ll still use an adapted tandem with Aisia for the triathlon, but it was good to try a different bike. Maybe to the park or a different event.

Do you need to take anything with you?

I’ll have my rucksack that someone will take care of for me whilst I’m cycling and walking, and that will have my water and phone in. But I also have a bum bag that I’ll use to keep some things close to me. I put my straws in there for when I’m having a drink, because otherwise my teeth hurt.

Thanks Carly, and good luck!

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